Sunday, May 13, 2012

Rainy Days and Sundays

Happy Mother's Day ! 

I have had the blessing of being busy these last few weeks.....I am  ready for the blessing of rest and relaxation. 

I taught  a pastel class Saturday afternoon at Art Zone in Georgetown.  What a talented group of artists....willing to take a chance and step out of their comfort zone while enjoying the process. Thanks to each of these fellow artists for sharing their joy at creating with me!

Francisco's Farm Art Festival is on the horizon and I am  concentrating on creating new pieces for the June event.   I look forward to seeing everyone at this wonderful venue in Midway, KY.  I will post an invitation later this month.

I am proud to be participating again this year in the Woodford Humane Society's  annual  Freedom Fest event .  This wonderful volunteer organization provides  many  animals a chance for a loving home. Please check out their site at  Woodford Humane Society and get the details of the art auction and events surrounding Freedom Fest.  I will post more information and the painting I will be donating later this month.

Well, time to relax....but I will share that my "fat yellow tabby cat"....Murphy... is well amid the rumors that he was having serious liver issues.  Murphy continues to eat like there is no tomorrow, and as my husband I recover from the vet bill....we are just happy he is still enjoying his place of honor on the ottoman!  Oh how they steal our hearts.

All my best to each of you.....have a joyful week.